Investitionen für den globalen Klimaschutz

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Chronology of international climate protection

07. - 18.11 UN Climate Change Conference Marrakech, Morocco
30.11. - 12.12. UN Climate Change Conference Paris, France
01. - 12.12. UN Climate Change Conference Lima, Peru
11. - 23.11 UN Climate Change Conference Warsaw, Poland
08.11 China, U.S. green spending falling far short, says Germany’s IWR (Reuters)
26.11. - 07.12. UN Climate Change Conference Doha, Qatar
13.11. Global CO2 emissions ‘hit new record’ (afp)
13.11 World 2011 CO2 emissions up 2.5 percent: German institute (Reuters )
28.11. - 11.12. UN Climate Change Conference Durban, South Africa
21.03. The GLOBAL 3000 Interview with Dr. Norbert Allnoch (DW-Deutsche Welle )
29.11. - 10.12 UN Climate Change Conference Cancún , Mexico
13.08. BBC-Interview with Dr. Allnoch: Bajaron las emisiones de CO2 (BBC Mundo )
13.08. World ’09 CO2 emissions off 1.3 pct – institute, Crisis cuts western countries’ carbon output (Reuters )
07.12. - 18.12. UN Climate Change Conference Copenhagen, Denmark
17.12. FACTBOX: Who is giving what at Copenhagen climate talks? (Reuters)
07.12. FACTBOX-China’s climate stance at Copenhagen (Reuters India)
07.12. 再送:〔情報BOX〕温暖化ガス主要排出国が示した削減目標や要求 (Reuters Japan)
24.11. CERINA-Plan for climate protection: “Investment model instead of the Kyoto limitation approach” – Lecture at the yearly summit of the Renewable Energy Research Association (ForschungsVerbund Erneuerbare Energien – FVEE)
24.11. Start of CERINA-Plan with the new website: www.cerina.org
14.09. Bickering over CO2 count seen unhelpful for climate (Reuters)
10.08. Global 2008 CO2 emissions rose 2 percent: German institute (Reuters)
10.08. Press release: Climate protection just a lot of hot air – Global CO2 emissions at record levels (IWR)
05.08. IWR-Institute publishes the Global C02 emissions 2008 and the renewable energy investment plan
in the monthly report “Regenerative Energiewirtschaft” 08/2009 (ISSN 1867-3279)