Investitionen für den globalen Klimaschutz

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  • CERINA Plan

  • Global CO2 Emissions

  • Investments in Renewable Energies

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CERINA Plan and global CO2 emissions

Global CO2 emissions totalled 35.84 billion tons in 2016, about 58 percent above those in 1990. This rising curve means that a limiting model (as the Kyoto mechanism) does not work. With the CERINA Plan (CO2 Emissions and Renewable Investment Action Plan), the IWR, a renewable energy institute, has developed an alternative proposal (investment model) for global emission stabilisation, under which the CO2 emission of the individual countries is directly linked to investments in renewable energy.

The CERINA-Plan was developed in 2009 by Dr. Norbert Allnoch, head of the IWR, a german renewable energy institute. Main idea of the CERINA-Plan: The global annual CO2 increase is known (about 400 to 700 million t CO2 per year). In reverse, it is possible to determine the amount of investment in renewable energies to compensate for the increase. Depending on the CO2 emissions of each state a year, the individual contributions of the countries can be determined. In sum, the individual contributions of the states contribute to the overall investment in order to stop the CO2 increase. Higher investments lead to a global CO2 reduction.

1. Allnoch, N. 2009: Conference transcript Renewable Energy Research Association (FVEE) 2009: "Research for Global Renewable Energy Markets", pg. 48 - 50

2. For example: CO2-Emissions by country and necessary investments by each country to stop CO2 increase http://www.cerina.org/en/co2-global/co2-2014

3. Reuters: China, U.S. green spending falling far short, says Germany's IWR:  http://www.reuters.com/article/us-carbon-emissions-iwr-idUSBRE9A70KX20131108